Saturday, November 30, 2019

Riverside leisure Centre Essay Example

Riverside leisure Centre Paper Riverside Leisure Centre is situated in Chelmsford, Essex and is owned by Chelmsford Borough Council. They have had only one reported unauthorised entry to the complex in the last five years. The complex contains three swimming pools, an outdoor, heated indoor and a toddler indoor. It also has a Techno gym, ice rink, sports hall, licensed bar and a childrens indoor play area. Due to the wide range of activities available, Riverside has a lot of visitors to its complex. The bigger the crowds attracted, the bigger the risk of the security of customers and employees data being misused by unauthorised members of the public. This therefore calls for a good quality security system, both physically and via software. Having analysed the security systems at Riverside, with the help of answered questionnaires from the centres management and from sketches of the leisure centre itself, I have noticed that there is a good quality system in use here. In this case study I will explain the methods, advantages and disadvantages of the current system and make recommendations on how to make the leisure centre more secure. Software Security Of Riverside Passwords Riverside uses a password log on system on all computers within the centre. Each employee has its own username and password to log on to the computer, which holds data. This makes it impossible for intruders to log on to the computer without having access to an employees user name and password. This is useful because it prevents unauthorised access but also allows management to pinpoint who has been on the computers at any one time. If an employee told an unauthorised person their username and password and that person obtained data from the computer, management could see exactly which employee had loaned their username/password and deal with them appropriately. We will write a custom essay sample on Riverside leisure Centre specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Riverside leisure Centre specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Riverside leisure Centre specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Riverside also operates a hierarchy system when using passwords to access data. If the system holds some high security data the system is able to block certain users (even authorised system users) from accessing it. This means that management get to see high security data exclusively and therefore reducing the risk of it falling it to the wrong hands. Policies of Shareware/Freeware Riverside does not download freeware or shareware from the Internet as it recognises the dangers of hidden viruses in the attachments and programs themselves. These programs are often not certified and therefore if downloaded, crucial files may become corrupt as a result of a virus being let into the system this way. Data Protection Act Riverside also abides by the Data protection Act (1998 as amended). The Act is in place to protect the data held by the data user (in this case the data held will be addresses, bank details, fitness levels of customers and the data user will be Riverside). There are eight principles to the Data Protection Act, as was there in the 1984 version. The only difference between the 1984 version and the amended version of 1998 is that the 1998 version has been widened to include data that is stored on computers and can easily be transferred to another country by use of email. Principles of the Data Protection Act The following principles will apply to Riverside when it is using the data it has collected from customers. 1/Personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully and at least one of the processing conditions is met, and in the case of processing the data must be processed fairly and lawfully and at least one of the conditions for processing sensitive personal data is met. The conditions for each of these categories would usually be that the subject has given consent. Personal data processing conditions: The subjects consent may not be required if the processing is to protect the subject as in the case of urgently retrieving a subjects medical record after a serious accident, or for the administration of justice, or to comply with legal obligations, or in the public interest. Processing conditions The subjects consent may not be required if: The Data Controller has legal obligations to process the subjects employee data  Ã‚  or if the data subject is unable to give consent, e. g. unconscious   In order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another person   In a case where consent on or behalf of another person has been unreasonably withheld, e. g. parents religious beliefs preventing their childs right to hospital treatment and life.   Or where processing is necessary for legal reasons, e. g. obtaining legal advice, exercising or defending legal rights, for the administration of justice. Or   The processing is carried out as part of the lawful activities of any non-profit making political, philosophical, religious, or trade union organisation. The processing must safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects. It must be limited to members or persons in regular contact with the organisation and it must not disclose any personal data to others without the data subjects consent. Or the Secretary of State may specify cases where this condition is excluded or modified, e. g.   Where the processing is necessary for medical purposes. Where sensitive personal data is necessary for monitoring equal opportunities for people of different racial or ethnic origins and is carried out with the usual safeguards for the rights and freedoms of data subjects. 2/Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes. There are two methods that a Data Controller may use to specify the purposes for which personal data are obtained: By informing the data subject or,By notifying the Data Protection Commissioner. This is in addition to notification (registration). All controllers must notify and pay the notification fee. 3/Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. This is similar to the 1984 Act fourth Principle but the new wider definition of processing is now applied. Organisations are required to state the purpose for which data is processed and cannot process it for any other purposes without further notification. A dating agency may collect and process data for the purpose of matching compatible people. They cannot then use that data to identify prospective punters for a sideline in cosmetic surgery, unless they notify the data subjects or the Commissioner of their intention. 4/Personal data shall be accurate and where necessary, kept up to date. Data Controllers must take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the data. At school, students are frequently given their personal details to take home and check. They are given the opportunity to change any out of date or incorrect data. Other organisations carry out similar checks at regular intervals. This task costs the organisation money for clerical staff to print out the details, collect them in again and edit the records to bring them up-to-date but is necessary by law. 5/Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. Example: Data may be collected from applicants for a job. That data can only be stored for the period of assessment, interview and selection. After that it should be discarded. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act. A data subject is entitled to make a written request to the data controller (accompanied by administration fee) and be given details of their data within 40 days. This will consist of: A description of their data, What it contains the purposes for which it is being processed, Why it is being processed people to whom it may be disclosed, Who is allowed to see it the name of the organisation that is actually carrying out the processing of their data. Which organisation will perform the processing? Data subjects have the right to have inaccurate data amended or deleted. They also have new rights of:   preventing processing that is likely to cause damage or distress and to sue for compensation if damage or distress has been caused.   they can prevent processing for direct marketing purposes, so anyone can stop the arrival of personalised junk mail by writing to the data controller. they are entitled to be informed of the logic used in automated decision making, e. g. obtaining a mortgage depending on a calculation involving salary, credit worthiness and other details. they have the right to ask the Commissioner to check whether certain processing of their data is being carried out unlawfully. 6/Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. Data must be kept private and secure. This means that the data controller must ensure that data is backup up regularly, virus checked, and restricted to named authorised persons by means of passwords or other means. Any data processors that a data controller may use for processing their data must be professional enough to guarantee the privacy and security of the data. It is also the data controllers responsibility to ensure that the data processor carries out the processing as specified according to an agreed contract. 7/Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. The European Economic Area is currently the member countries of the EEC plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. There are certain circumstances where the Eighth Principle does not apply to a transfer of data. They are:   The data subject has given consent to the transfer   As part of a contract between the data subject and the data controller Or, the transfer is necessary In the conclusion of a contract between the data controller or is in the data subjects interest, or   Fo reasons of substantial public interest. The Secretary of State can order and explain such a transfer, or * For legal reasons, such as advice, legal proceedings or defending legal rights, or * The transfer is part of the personal data on a public register * The transfer has been authorised by the Commissioner and ensures adequate safeguards for the rights and freedoms of data subjects. 8/ Personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall not be disclosed in any matter incompatible with that purpose or those purposes. (Principles obtained from www. the-data-protection-act. co. uk) The Data Protection Act gives us the right to access our own personal data that a company holds about us, and also gives us the right to correct it if its false. The right is also given to complain to the Data Protection Registrar if the data has been collected or used in any way that is disrespectful, unlawful or unfair. Registration The data user (in this case Riverside) must register the intended use, details of the personal data held, the ways in which it may be passed and to whom it may be passed and whether or not it may be transferred from country to country, if yes, which countries. This is filled in on the registration form given by the Data Registrar and is then sent off, along with a fee for registration (around i 70). This must be done before information is used because unlawful usage of data possesses a i 5000 fine in a magistrates court and an unlimited fine in a High court. If a person suffers due to unlawful usage of data they also can claim compensation from the company and the courts, adjusted with the severity of the case, decide this amount. Exemptions to the Registration There are exemptions from the registration. If the company/data user falls under one or more of the following categories then the registration is not applicable. 1/When your data is being used only in connection with personal, family or recreational use. 2/Where data is used only for the preparation of text documents. 3/Where the data is being used only for the calculation of wages and pensions, or for the production of accounts. 4/Where the data is used for the distribution of articles and information e. g. unsolicited mail (i. e. mail which advertises goods or a service you have not requested). 5/Where a sports club or a recreational club that is not a limited company holds the data. These exemptions include Riverside as they are a, sport or recreational club which is not a limited company. We know they are not a limited company as limited companies (both private and public) belong in the private sector. Riverside, however, is in the public sector as it is owned by a local government (Chelmsford Borough Council). This exempts them from having to register with the Data Registrar, however, they still must abide by the principles of the act to avoid prosecution. According to the questionnaire I carried out, all Riverside staff that have access to the data are fully educated on the principles of the Data Protection Act. Recommended software security measures that Riverside could operate in the future Firewalls Riverside could use firewalls when accessing the Internet. A firewall is a program that can be installed onto the system to protect itself against the user doing any damage to it. It restricts the user from entering parts of the system. These are particularly useful if the system has access to a dial up connection, either to access an e-mail provider or the Internet, as things can be downloaded and can cause havoc with the system if they contain a virus etc. Firewalls also can control incoming call IDs to the system and can block IDs if they dont fit into a pre-specified category, which prevents computer hackers from gaining access to the system. This controls, although doesnt block altogether, the threat of viruses and unauthorised access to the data. However, such a program does have one main disadvantage. Anti-virus Software Surprisingly, Riversides systems are not yet equipped with anti-virus software. This would be a good investment as a good quality program such as McAfee or Norton Anti-Virus can detect most known viruses and can delete them and clean the system in a matter of minutes. However, this kind of software is only worth investing in if time is taken by the user to run it regularly or set it into an automatic mode so it can detect the viruses. Encryption Riverside could also encrypt data that it passes through the Internet or their own Intranet or LAN. Encryption codes the data at the sending end so that if it is intercepted between its start off point and its destination no other person other than who it is intended for can read it. No one else can read it as only the data receiver has the decoder. Once the data receiver receives the encrypted data, it can be decoded by applying the decoder to the message and then it can be read normally. This prevents any unauthorised viewing and is a good way to make sure secure data does not fall into the wrong hands. The encrypter and the decoder are stored on the computers memory so they cannot be lost or forgotten. However, if the computer is stolen then the next user can carry on encrypting or decoding messages and this would prove not very secure. To overcome this problem you could either:   Make sure the computer is surrounded by physical security and therefore cannot be stolen. Or   Add a password to the encryption process so that the next user has to know the password to activate the encrypter or decoder. Back-Up Disks Another way to insure that the data on Riversides computer system is secure is to make back up disks of everything on the computer. This means if a virus distorts the data, the computer crashes, the disk that holds the data is lost, stolen or destroyed or if you even accidentally delete the document then there is always a back up at hand. To do this you simply save any important documents on a 3 1/2 floppy disk and keep in a safe place. Physical Security As well as protecting the data from potential viruses and unlawful use via software security, Riverside also realises it has to protect itself by physical use also. The following security measures are currently in operation at Riverside. Locks All rooms that contain computers are locked with pin code locks. If a wrong pin code is entered more than three times on the pad of these locks, the alarm is activated. The alarm will then alert the security guard on duty that an unauthorised person is trying to get into the computer room. All staff which need to know the pin code to access the computer have been told the in code but staff which do not use computers as part of their daily routine do not have access to the pin code. This is particularly useful as it deters unauthorised people from trying to break in if they know the alarm will be activated. Turnstiles At the Riverside entrance there is an obvious physical security measure as they have turnstiles so you can only get into the complex by the receptionist pressing a button to unlock the turnstile. This prevents anyone suspicious from getting into the complex and therefore reduces the risk of any harm coming to its customers and their computer systems. Uniforms. Also, staff in the complex wear uniform so they are easily recognisable from a member of the public. This means that if a member of the public is seen in a restricted access area they can easily be recognised from staff and therefore can be effectively removed before any damage is done. CCTV Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is also used on the premises. CCTV uses cameras around the complex (they are concealed in Riverside so potential intruders do not know where to find them) and these cameras are all linked back to a main control room. These rooms contain security workers scanning the images from all the cameras on the televisions on which they are shown for possible intruders. CCTV in Riverside has a main control room somewhere in the complex (for security reasons I couldnt find out where it was) and has 37 cameras around the complex. The cameras used in Riverside are moveable so the can turn and cover a much wider spectrum and therefore they are able to use one moveable camera to cover the space that three or perhaps four stationary cameras could cover. Therefore, moveable cameras are more cost effective than stationary ones. However, there are disadvantages to using this kind of camera- these are shown below.   If one breaks down then a wider space is not being covered. If a stationary one broke down then there would be only a little space that wouldnt be covered. Fireproof Doors and Gas looding Riverside also uses fireproof doors to prevent damage to the computer systems in case of a fire. These doors are made of metal with a high melting point so however hot the fire the door will not let the fire in. They also use a gas flooding system. If the fire alarm is activated (the fire alarm is run by a temperature sensitive sensor) then carbon dioxide gas is let out of air vents in the ceiling of the computer rooms as each temperature sensor goes off to warn about a fire. This facility is turned off for routine fire alarms and is only activated when the temperature is way above normal body heat so therefore can not be set off by a hot room. When surveying the site I noticed that there was only one entrance to the complex. This narrows down the ways that intruders can enter the building and also is more cost effective as they dont have to have security equipment anywhere else, as there are no other entrances. Also, when I walked around the outside of the complex I noticed that there is barbed wire at the top of all high walls around the complex so it would be difficult and painful, if not impossible to enter the building by climbing over the walls. Also, when I walked past the staff car park I noticed that all cars parked in there had the same badge in the windscreen, therefore it must be an access badge to park in the car park. Also, there is a kiosk with a barrier that is lowered whilst the security guard checks the windscreen badges and is only highered to let the car in when the guard has seen the security badge. Suggested Measures of Physical Security for Riverside As well as the impressive current physical security measures of Riverside they could also utilise the following measures to make sure their data stays secure. They could lock and bolt all computers to the desks so they cannot be forcefully taken from the desks. They could buy computer systems with removable hard drives (where all the data is stored) so that they can take the hard drives out of the system after use and lock them in a safe etc. This would mean if the computer systems were stolen then the data wouldnt be lost and it would not have fallen in to the wrong hands. More security alarms could be used. There is already a temperature sensor in case of a fire in operation but there is no movement sensor in case of a break in. These are not very expensive and can quickly alert the police of a break in. Security alarms could also be used on all emergency exits so that if they are opened with force the alarm will be triggered and the intruder will either be scared off or caught before any damage is done. They could also put a UV coding (a code which is not visible to the human eye but when it is scanned with Ultra violet light then the code can be read) on all hardware and peripheral devices. This ensures speedy return in the case of them being stolen and recovered by the police. Conclusion In conclusion, I have discovered that the physical security of Riverside is very good. They are currently utilising 10 out of 14 of the physical security measures I suggested and the statistic of only one unauthorised entry to the complex in five years (Chelmsford Borough Council 2001) proves that the measures are working as they should be. The following list shows the advantages of the current physical security system: * Secure * Some measures are inexpensive, such as high walls, barbed wire, barriers at car park and turnstiles at entrance etc. * Mostly manually operated or force operated. This is better than if it was automated because mistakes are rare and shifts are operated so workers are constantly awake and on the ball. To every good system there is a downside. Here is a list of disadvantages to the current physical security system. * The automatically operated systems such as CCTV or the alarms may be vandalised etc and this may stop them from working. * Some parts of the system are expensive such as CCTV, alarms and fireproof doors. CCTV is still cost effective as it used frequently but fireproof doors may never get to prove themselves, as fires are rare. However, the software security of Riverside is only average. It only operates 4 or the 8 software measures I suggested. There is one highlight of the software security system, this is that they abide by the Data Protection Act (1998) even though they are exempt by the rule that says, Where a sports club or a recreational club that is not a limited company holds the data. We already know that Riverside is run by the council and therefore is not a limited company so it exempt. However all employees have knowledge of the Data Protection Act and therefore are preventing themselves from getting persecuted. I did expect them to use virus protection on their computers and the fact that they didnt means that they were easily susceptible to viruses that would have distorted their data. I strongly recommend that they get an anti-virus program to protect themselves. The following is a list of the advantages to the software security system currently in operation at Riverside:   It is legal and understands the laws that are applicable to them and the use of the data that they possess.   The password system prevents any unauthorised access to the system unless one of the employees tells of their password. If an employee tells this, it is easy to pinpoint who has done it as their area password would have been used and it can be tracked. It recognises the use of freeware/shareware can be damaging to the system.   The hierarchy system only lets top management view the most secure documents.   Cost effective The system also has its downfalls; here is a list of the disadvantages to the system.   No virus scanner was in use, leaving them open to viruses transmitted from the Intranet, LAN or Internet No encryption of data was being used and therefore important data may be viewed by unauthorised people whilst in transit between destinations. Firewalls were not in operation therefore the door to untrained employees is left wide open to access potentially damaging parts of the computers hard drive or Internet.   Cost effective but not secure enough to prevent data being exposed. This concludes the case study on Riverside Ice and Leisure and its security systems. The recommendations for a new system are shown with the analysis of the systems and these may well be put into place by Riverside in the near future. The evidence I used to put together this case study is shown in appendices on the next page.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Adversarial System essays

Adversarial System essays To begin with, it is essential to understand the basic underlying features of the adversary system. The adversary system defines a mode of dispute resolution in which the competing claims of parties are presented by legal representatives who have interest in the outcomes of dispute, to an impartial third party, with power to impose authorities. The vital notion that the judge controls the courtroom and decides the various issues of procedure, are the components of a true adversarial system. Furthermore, other important elements include that the state law enforcement agencies do investigative work for the state, whilst the opposing parties determine themselves what evidence each of them will present to the court. Most importantly, the defendant maintains presumption of innocence and has both the right to account for himself and the also right to a jury. These are the most important elements that constitute the adversary system, it is now necessary to demonstrate how this system have proved at times to be ineffective The adversarial systems effectiveness is reflected through the conduct of trial and reliability of circumstantial evidence presented by the crown in the original trial CHAMBERLAIN V. THE QUEEN where Lyndi was Criminally convicted of the murder of her son Azaria. This was overturned in the second trial (appeal) when all evidences, both physical and expert were reproduced and most were found to be circumstantial under re-examination and cross-examination. Evidently, the absence of the babys body, any identified weapon, lack of motive and no confession. The expert who had previously testified against the accused, also admitted he had given evidence without proper knowledge of all the attendant circumstances. The trial judge concluded that there was question mark as to weather the jury might have arrived this original verdict of the accused because they accepted the evidence that the blood was foetal, and whe...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Installing PHP on Linux

Installing PHP on Linux It can be really helpful to have PHP installed on your home computer. Especially if youre still learning. So today Im going to walk you through how to do so on a PC with linux. First things first, youre going to need Apache to be installed already. 1. Download Apache, this will assume you download the latest version as of this publication, which is 2.4.3. If you use a different one, be sure to change the commands below (since we use the name of the file). 2. Move this to your src folder, at / usr/local/src, and run the following commands, which will un archive the zipped source, in a shell: cd /usr/local/srcgzip -d httpd-2.4.3.tar.bz2tar xvf httpd-2.4.3.tarcd httpd-2.4.3 3. The following command is semi-optional. If you dont mind the default options, which installs it to /usr/local/apache2, you can skip to step 4. If youre interested as to what can be customized, then run this command: ./configure help This will give you a list of the options you can change for when it installs. 4. This will install Apache: ./configure enable-somakemake install Note: if you get an error that says something like this: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH, then you need to install a C compiler. This probably wont happen, but if it does, Google install gcc on [insert your brand of linux] 5. Yay! Now you can start up and test Apache: cd /usr/local/apache2/bin./apachectl start Then point your browser to http://local-host and it should tell you It Works! Note: if you changed where Apache installed, you should adjust the above cd command accordingly. Now that you have Apache installed, you can install and test PHP! Again, this assumes youre downloading a certain file, which is a certain version of PHP. And again, this is the latest stable release as of writing this. That file is named php-5.4.9.tar.bz2 1. Download php-5.4.9.tar.bz2 from and again place it in your /usr/local/src then run the following commands: cd /usr/local/srcbzip2 -d php-5.4.9.tar.bz2tar xvf php-5.4.9.tarcd php-5.4.9 2. Again, this step is semi-optional as it deals with configuring php before you install it. So, if you want to customize the installation, or see how you can customize it: ./configure help 3. The next commands actually install PHP, with the default apache install location of /usr/local/apache2: ./configure with-apxs2/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxsmakemake installcp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini 4. Open the file /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf and add the following text: SetHandler application/x-httpd-php Then while in that file make sure it has a line that says LoadModule php5_module modules/ 5. Now you will want to restart apache and verify that php is installed and woking correctly: /usr/local/bin/apache2/apachectl restart No make a file called test.php in your /usr/local/apache2/htdocs folder with the following line in it: phpinfo(); ? Now point your favorite internet browser at http://local-host/test.php and it should tell you all about your working php installation.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Netflix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Netflix - Essay Example Netflix is seen to essentially operate in three different segments which include: Domestic streaming, Domestic DVD and International streaming. While its domestic and international streaming derives revenue for the company by the collection of revenue from the various monthly subscriptions paid by the customers for streaming content, its domestic segment derives revenue from monthly DVD-by-mail subscriptions. The company’s content is delivered to its users over the internet through various connected devices such as personal computers, Macs, Blue-ray players, play stations, home theatre systems and Internet video players. The company’s revenue growth is estimated at about 32.9% which has been found to be about thrice the current home video industry as a whole. By charging monthly subscription fees that are at times as low as $7.99 for unlimited monthly subscription (Carr, 2011), and having no late fees, Netflix is able to account for an estimated 90% of all online DVD re ntals in the United States and about 3-5 percent for all the county’s home video rentals. ... Netflix has put in place a number of cost management measures that serve in helping the company effectively balance the declining rental costs, some of these measures include: the company’s use of up to date technology, and its provision of adequate convenience to customers all serve to greatly aid against its competitors. Netflix Value chain Analysis Inbond Logistics: The Netflix has been able to sign a deal with Time Warner Bros. that in addition to extending its movie title licensing from the studio will also serve to add more TV shows to Netflix library. Netflix is seen to have greatly standardized its physical distribution method by using USPS to easily distribute DVD’s across the country. Operations: Netflix has several factory centers across the United States that manage the distribution of its television programs and movies. To distribute its DVD movies, the company is seen to first purchase them and then package each DVD into a red folder which is clearly label ed with the company’s logo. Netflix also ensures that it maintains good quality titles for physical distribution in addition to providing all its customers with quality customer care. The company offers its customers a limitless inventory and is continuously expanding its bandwidth so as to continue offering its customer’s seamless move and TV shows streaming. Outbound Logistics: Netflix is seen to be focused on attempting to build more partnerships with the various movie producing companies so as to be able to add more titles to their ever expanding library. This is aimed at providing their customers with more DVDs more quickly. The constant availability of new movie titles and TV shows is seen to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Modern management techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Modern management techniques - Essay Example Construction as a process consists of a wide range of activities including building and infrastructure assembling. Examples of activities in the construction industry include residential construction, bridge erection, roadway paving, large-scale painting jobs, and demolitions. Management of the construction industry comprises of project manager, the project manager ensures that there is smooth operation in the industry. Construction manager and design engineer, who assumes the role of a supervisor, assist the manager. Construction, however, is a hazardous involvement and construction workers are, thus, exposed to hazards while delivering their services. These hazards include unguarded machinery, electrocutions, falling from rooftops, and sustaining injuries from construction equipments. Employers and workers need to work towards reducing these hazards. In order to achieve this, the identification, reduction, and hazard elimination are essential. Management, therefore, should work tow ards reducing these hazards, and failure to accomplish will lead to failure to accomplish organizational goals and objectives as described by Emre (2007, p.200). Effective and successful execution of activities industry achieved by putting in place effective planning, budgeting, scheduling, and ensuring safety in the construction site. ... Technological changes in the modern society have profoundly affected construction industry with its structure and the undertaking of its daily operations. Management of the industry should ensure that it adapts to modern managerial techniques and procedures in execution, planning, and design processes. Construction process in the modern industrialized world has led to translating of constructions designs into practice; while adapting to the modern trends in its design. Integration of advanced specialists has been successful in the modern world, especially in the construction industry (Deakin, 2002, p.120). Presently, the construction specialists like engineers, construction managers, designers and developers, who initially used to be in separate companies, have now been united in one company. This has seen construction process accomplish its duties in the most effective way, since all the specialists involved from start to the end of the project. Planning and execution have been easi ng, and performance specification achieved. Construction industries have played a significant role in contribution of the country’s economic growth. The industry is significant in offering of employment opportunities to the majority of the population, specialists and other workers have been able to earn a living, thus, leading a successful life just for working in these industries. Construction has also had significant contribution into Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. Being one of the significant indicators of economic growth of a country, GDP has increased because of contributions of the construction industry. GDP is a tool used

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Environmental Science Essay Example for Free

Environmental Science Essay Gagandeep Rai Period 3/4 Criteria air pollutants assignment​ Multiple Choice 1. A pungent reddish ­brown gas often associated with photochemical smog. (C) NO2 2. A corrosive gas from burning coal often associated with industrial smog. (d) SO2 3. A dangerous indoor air pollutant. (A) CO 4. Emitted from diesel and burning fuel. (E) PM10 5. All of the following are examples of primary air pollutants except. (c) tropospheric ozone 6. The greatest emission of sulfur dioxide comes from (C) Industrial processes 7. The least amount of nitrogen oxide emissions comes from (A) on ­ road vehicles 8. The accumulation of tropospheric ozone at night depends mainly upon the atmospheric concentrations of (B) volatile organics 1. What are they? The six criteria air pollutants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides,lead,particulate matter and tropospheric ozone. These six pollutants significantly threaten human health, ecosystems and/or structures. 2. How is each produced? Sulfur dioxide is mostly produced from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil. It can also be released during volcanic eruptions. Nitrogen oxides are produced from vehicles as well as stationary fossil fuel combustion. Some is also released through lightning and forest fires.Carbon monoxide is formed by incomplete combustion of most matter. Vehicle exhaust and many other combustion process produce Carbon monoxide. It is also a indoor pollutant when exhaust systems on natural gas heaters misfunction. Carbon dioxide is produced from complete combustion of most matter such as biomass and fossil fuels . Particulate matter is released when fossil fuels and bio fuel is burned. Also it is released with activities that involve movement of dust or sand. Lead is released from old paint, gasoline additive and combustion of fossil fuels.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Risk Factors Affecting Hispanic Domestic Violence Essay -- Masculinity,

Masculinities Patriarchy ideology is embedded in the predominantly Latin American structure of machismo of supremacy over females (Alcalde, 2011). There are hegemonic methods of masculinity that stress male authority, magisterial and honor concerning females to some males, but it is an unusual overstated and exaggerated in male masculinities (Alcalde, 2011: 465). In contrast, there are many who do not advocate violence, and they seek to educate others on the importance of not using violence towards women. They see masculinity as the opposite of violent, and they use masculinity to protect women (Alcalde, 2011: 465). It is strong bond which protects the family (Alcalde, 2011: 465). Society has transformed with the ages and Mexican and Mexican American fathers have adapted to different, more caring roles in their family (Saracho and Spodek, 2008: 81). As a matter of fact, many fathers have become their kids’ developmental caretakers and dynamic educators (Saracho and Spodek, 2008: 81). Researchers have written papers portraying Mexican and Mexican American fathers as imperceptible, emotionless, distant and not nurturing (Saracho and Spodek, 2008: 81). Mexican and Mexican American, and redefine machismo as positive attributes which includes courage, kindness, and patience (Saracho and Spodek, 2008: 81). Today men are more willing to switc h gender roles becoming good role models, and they help with household tasks and their children. In the case study of Emiliano Diaz de Leon, positive masculinity turned his life around; furthermore, the role models he met at age 15 changed him from an abusive, disdainful young man into a positive role model (Aker, 2013) As a boy, he nothing but negative male role models and the change came from su... ...roblem Drinking Among Male Mexican and Central American Immigrant Laborers A Review of the Literature. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29(4), 413-455. Perilla, J. L. (1999). Domestic violence as a human rights issue: The case of immigrant Latinos. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 21(2), 107-133. Straus, M. A. (1987). The Conflict Tactics Scales and its critics: an evaluation and new data on validity and reliability. Straus, M. A., & Yllo, K. (1990). Patriarchy and violence against wives: The impact of structural and normative factors. Physical violence in American families: Risk factors and adaptations to violence in, 8(145), 383-399. Worby, P. A., & Organista, K. C. (2007). Alcohol use and problem drinking among male Mexican and Central American immigrant laborers: A review of the literature. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29(4), 413-455.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Great Expectations Notes on Guilt Essay

In analysing Great Expectations, Dorothy Van Ghent maintains that there are two kinds of crime that drive the moral plot of the novel: the crime of parent against child and the calculated social crime â€Å"of turning the individual into a machine†. Thus, in the same way that the parent or the parent figure abuses the child, social authority also participates in creating parents who participate in the dehumanization of the children. (sons heir of fathers sin, repeat in society over n over) Van Ghent puts forward many of her ideas in an extremely extravagant, descriptive and floury manner, which at times is difficult to follow. I feel that Van Ghent approaches `Great Expectations` from a mainly`Psychoanalytical literary criticism approach`, because her analysis of the text is primarily concerned with the idea of feelings, desires and guilt that Pip carries and because guilt and desire are repressed by Pip they can only appear indirectly in the text. In Great Expectations Pip`s repressed guilt and †¦.occur and appear indirectly through. Van Ghent identifies a psychic context for Great Expectations in which I feel she focuses on Pip`s psycho drama competing desires of trying to redeem himself of sins (his and his fathers) and of wanting to attain the status of being a gentleman and no longer being coarse and common. I feel this represents a psychoanalytical approach because these issues frame Van Ghent analysis, above the significance of the social, historical or other contexts which could be used by critics. Van Ghent focuses on the â€Å"unconscious motives and feelings of a character (Pip) depicted in the text† – one of the psychoanalytical theorists do (P100 Beginning theory)

Saturday, November 9, 2019


What are the key marketing challenges facing Gauri Nanda and how would you prioritize them? 1) Timing Clocky got a lot of media attention approximately a year early from commercialization. The hype it is having might have a negative and positive affect towards when actually Gauri introduce the product to the market. The questions raised was â€Å"Would consumers interested in buying Clocky now be frustrated once they learned that the product was not yet commercially available, or would they be content to wait until Clocky reached the market? † 2) Target marketGauri have to decide whether to focus on â€Å"Fun† or â€Å"Need† target segment. This is a critical step in the development as it will be difficult to change perception of a product once it gains a certain reputation. 3) Production partnership Gauri have to make a decision whether to partner with a large-scale retailer (Wal-Mart) or to pursue co-branding opportunities with a product development outfit ( iR obot). Both ways offer it’s up and down sides. With a large scale retailer, Gauri face the risk of the product becoming a fad, like Tickle-Me-Elmo.On the other hand, pursuing co-brading opportunities, she might have less control over the product invention. 4) Pricing Gauri have to decide the price for the product. This also will determine the product strategy adopted. Selling to Wal Mart allows Gauri to cash in early but sacrificing the long term potential of the product. Whereas selling to a upper class store allows Gauri to build brand image but it may take longer time to generate enough profit to recoup back the investment. Gauri needs to tackle the challenges from 1 to 4.I feel that the early media attention issue need to be taken care of first and make sure it does not negatively affected the commercialization of the product. Secondly, Gauri needs to determine the target segment which will lead to production partnership decision and ultimately pricing. How would you segm ent the market for Clocky and on which target market segment(s) should Nanda focus. Explain the value proposition for each? In the article it is mentioned that Clocky’s customer can be put into two camps: â€Å"Need† and â€Å"Fun† market. ) â€Å"Need† market The main customer would be people who found getting out of bed is a serious challenge and disrupted their life in significant ways, such as frequently making them late for work. I feel like Clocky will be a success in this market as it will be seen a solution for those people. In addition to that, the market is currently untapped and Gauri will enjoy first moving advantage. The downside is that the market is not as big as the other segment. Although the probability of success is high, the financial gain might not be significant. ) â€Å"Fun† market The customer would be people who currently use an alarm clock. I can see that Clocky will be marketed not a solution but as alternative to traditi on alarm clock that has more advance feature. This way there is a risk that the product will be seen as a fad product just like Furby. However, the market is huge and financial gain is significant if the product is a success. Personally I feel the best strategy is for Gauri to focus on short term financial gain and focus on the â€Å"fun† market.There is a big chance that the product might have a short life, like furby but Gauri would be able to gain a significant financial gain in a short period of time. The need market is not very attractive to me because of the size of the market. Based on what you believe to be the most feasible/most valuable positioning, what are the key components of a marketing launch plan including:   product design/features, pricing, retail channels and distribution plan, manufacturing location, and marketing communications. My goal with this product would be to generate as much profit as possible in the shortest amount of time.I do not think build ing a brand and spend years on this product is worth the effort from financial perspective. With this in mind, the strategy that I would adopt is a short term strategy that will maximize short term profit. The segment I would be targeting is the â€Å"Fun† market. I would market Clocky as an advanced alarm clock that is innovative and â€Å"fun† to have. The feature would be kept at the minimal (moving alarm clock) and the design would be as describe in the case â€Å"lighthearted features, such as his furry exterior and playful nature, depicting him almost as a robotic household pet. I would form a partnership with Target and use them as the main distribution channel. The pricing would be set a low point around $30 (considering that traditional alarm clock sold around $15). With Target’s mark up around 144%, the retail price would be $40. The manufacturing location will be in China as it offers the lowest cost of manufacturing. Assuming the cost of goods is $1 5, this will offer 100% margin. The media communication used would be TV and magazine advertisement. The advertisement is catered toward general audience that buy alarm clock. Clocky What are the key marketing challenges facing Gauri Nanda and how would you prioritize them? 1) Timing Clocky got a lot of media attention approximately a year early from commercialization. The hype it is having might have a negative and positive affect towards when actually Gauri introduce the product to the market. The questions raised was â€Å"Would consumers interested in buying Clocky now be frustrated once they learned that the product was not yet commercially available, or would they be content to wait until Clocky reached the market? † 2) Target marketGauri have to decide whether to focus on â€Å"Fun† or â€Å"Need† target segment. This is a critical step in the development as it will be difficult to change perception of a product once it gains a certain reputation. 3) Production partnership Gauri have to make a decision whether to partner with a large-scale retailer (Wal-Mart) or to pursue co-branding opportunities with a product development outfit ( iR obot). Both ways offer it’s up and down sides. With a large scale retailer, Gauri face the risk of the product becoming a fad, like Tickle-Me-Elmo.On the other hand, pursuing co-brading opportunities, she might have less control over the product invention. 4) Pricing Gauri have to decide the price for the product. This also will determine the product strategy adopted. Selling to Wal Mart allows Gauri to cash in early but sacrificing the long term potential of the product. Whereas selling to a upper class store allows Gauri to build brand image but it may take longer time to generate enough profit to recoup back the investment. Gauri needs to tackle the challenges from 1 to 4.I feel that the early media attention issue need to be taken care of first and make sure it does not negatively affected the commercialization of the product. Secondly, Gauri needs to determine the target segment which will lead to production partnership decision and ultimately pricing. How would you segm ent the market for Clocky and on which target market segment(s) should Nanda focus. Explain the value proposition for each? In the article it is mentioned that Clocky’s customer can be put into two camps: â€Å"Need† and â€Å"Fun† market. ) â€Å"Need† market The main customer would be people who found getting out of bed is a serious challenge and disrupted their life in significant ways, such as frequently making them late for work. I feel like Clocky will be a success in this market as it will be seen a solution for those people. In addition to that, the market is currently untapped and Gauri will enjoy first moving advantage. The downside is that the market is not as big as the other segment. Although the probability of success is high, the financial gain might not be significant. ) â€Å"Fun† market The customer would be people who currently use an alarm clock. I can see that Clocky will be marketed not a solution but as alternative to traditi on alarm clock that has more advance feature. This way there is a risk that the product will be seen as a fad product just like Furby. However, the market is huge and financial gain is significant if the product is a success. Personally I feel the best strategy is for Gauri to focus on short term financial gain and focus on the â€Å"fun† market.There is a big chance that the product might have a short life, like furby but Gauri would be able to gain a significant financial gain in a short period of time. The need market is not very attractive to me because of the size of the market. Based on what you believe to be the most feasible/most valuable positioning, what are the key components of a marketing launch plan including:   product design/features, pricing, retail channels and distribution plan, manufacturing location, and marketing communications. My goal with this product would be to generate as much profit as possible in the shortest amount of time.I do not think build ing a brand and spend years on this product is worth the effort from financial perspective. With this in mind, the strategy that I would adopt is a short term strategy that will maximize short term profit. The segment I would be targeting is the â€Å"Fun† market. I would market Clocky as an advanced alarm clock that is innovative and â€Å"fun† to have. The feature would be kept at the minimal (moving alarm clock) and the design would be as describe in the case â€Å"lighthearted features, such as his furry exterior and playful nature, depicting him almost as a robotic household pet. I would form a partnership with Target and use them as the main distribution channel. The pricing would be set a low point around $30 (considering that traditional alarm clock sold around $15). With Target’s mark up around 144%, the retail price would be $40. The manufacturing location will be in China as it offers the lowest cost of manufacturing. Assuming the cost of goods is $1 5, this will offer 100% margin. The media communication used would be TV and magazine advertisement. The advertisement is catered toward general audience that buy alarm clock.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay Sample on Empathy in Patient Care

Essay Sample on Empathy in Patient Care Empathy is generally defined as the identification with, and understanding of another person’s situation, feelings and motives. While empathy and sympathy are two closely related notions, I believe that the subtle difference between them can be found in the idea of identification. For, while sympathy says I understand how you feel and commiserate with you, empathy goes a step further and says I feel what you feel. Such an ability to project oneself into another’s experience can only be rooted in a love for humanity. Is it possible for a physician to be scientifically proficient and objective while also being empathetic? Theoretically, yes; but practically, it depends on the physicians motives for being in the profession. It all goes back to this love for humanity, which Plato associates with a love for the art of medicine. I do not take this love to necessarily mean a warm, fuzzy feeling toward patients, nor a wallowing in commiseration with them. Rather, I see it as an ability to suffer long, to be kind, to not parade oneself, and not behave rudely. Most importantly, I take that love to mean seeking the highest good of the patient. Such a love, coupled with the understanding that the art of medicine, as Blumgart puts it, is the skillful application of scientific knowledge to a particular person, can be a strong motivation to continually seek both scientific proficiency and a deeper understanding of a patient. This is all the more important that about half of the patients who consult a physicia n reportedly have no organic disease or only minor disorders. Objectivity and empathy are not mutually exclusive notions in patient care, as long as the highest good of the patient remains the primary goal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Costs and Benefits of US Government Regulations

Costs and Benefits of US Government Regulations Do federal regulations – the often controversial rules enacted by federal agencies to implement and enforce the laws passed by Congress cost taxpayers more than they are worth? Answers to that question can be found in a first-ever draft report on the costs and benefits of federal regulations released in 2004 by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Indeed, federal regulations often have more impact on the lives of Americans than the laws passed by Congress. Federal regulations far outnumber laws passed by Congress. For example, Congress passed 65 significant bills laws in 2013. By comparison, the federal regulatory agencies typically enact more than 3,500 regulations every year or about nine per day. The Costs of Federal Regulations The added expenses of complying with federal regulations born by business and industries have a significant impact on the U.S. economy. According to the U.S. Chambers of Commerce, complying with federal regulations costs U.S. businesses over $46 billion a year. Of course, businesses pass their costs of complying with federal regulations on to consumers. In 2012, the Chambers of Commerce estimated that the total cost for Americans to comply with federal regulations reached $1.806 trillion, or more than the gross domestic products of Canada or Mexico. At the same time, however, federal regulations have quantifiable benefits to the American people. That’s where the OMB’s analysis comes in. More detailed information helps consumers make intelligent choices on the products they purchase. By that same token, knowing more about the benefits and costs of federal regulations helps policymakers promote smarter regulations, said Dr. John D. Graham, director of the OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Benefits Far Exceed Costs, Says OMB The OMB’s draft report estimated that major federal regulations provide benefits of from $135 billion to $218 billion annually while costing taxpayers between $38 billion and $44 billion. Federal regulations enforcing the EPAs clean air and water laws accounted for the majority of the regulatory benefits to the public estimated over the last decade. Clean water regulations accounted for benefits of up to $8 billion at a cost of $2.4 to $2.9 billion. Clean air regulations provided up to $163 billion in benefits  while costing taxpayers only about $21 billion. Costs and benefits of some other major federal regulatory programs included: Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergyBenefits: $4.7 billionCosts: $2.4 billion Health Human Services: Food and Drug AdministrationBenefits: $2 to $4.5 billionCosts: $482 to $651 million Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Benefits: $1.8 to $4.2 billionCosts: $1 billion National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTSHA)Benefits: $4.3 to $7.6 billionCosts: $2.7 to $5.2 billion EPA: Clean Air RegulationsBenefits: $106 to $163 billionCosts: $18.3 to $20.9 billion EPA Clean Water RegulationsBenefits: $891 million to $8.1 billionCosts: $2.4 to $2.9 billion The draft report contains detailed cost and benefit figures on dozens of major federal regulatory programs, as well as the criteria used in making the estimates. OMB Recommends Agencies Consider Costs of Regulations Also in the report, OMB encouraged all federal regulatory agencies to improve their cost-benefit estimation techniques and to carefully consider costs and benefits to taxpayers when creating new rules and regulations. Specifically, OMB called on regulatory agencies to expand use of cost-effectiveness methods as well as benefit-cost methods in regulatory analysis; to report estimates using several discount rates in regulatory analysis; and to employ formal probability analysis of benefits and costs for rules based on uncertain science that will have more than a $1 billion-dollar impact on the economy. Agencies Must Prove Need for New Regulations The report also reminded regulatory agencies they must prove that a need exists for the regulations they create. When creating a new regulation, OMB advised, Each agency shall identify the problem that it intends to address (including, where applicable, the failures of private markets or public institutions that warrant new agency action) as well as assess the significance of that problem. Trump Trims Federal Regulations Since taking office in January 2017, President Donald Trump has carried through on his campaign promise to cut the number of federal regulations. On January 30, 2017, he issued an executive order entitled â€Å"Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs† directing the federal agencies to repeal two existing regulations for every new regulation and to do so in such a way that the total cost of regulations does not increase. According to an update status report on Trump’s order from the OMB, the agencies are far exceeding the two-for-one and regulatory cap requirements, having achieved a 22-1 ratio during the first eight months of FY 2017. Overall, notes the OMB, the agencies had cut 67 regulations while adding only 3 â€Å"significant† ones. By August 2017, Congress had exercised the Congressional Review Act to eliminate 47 regulations issued by President Barack Obama. In addition, the agencies had voluntarily withdrawn over 1,500 of Obama’s regulations that were under consideration but not yet finalized. Under Trump, the agencies have generally been more reluctant to propose new regulations. Finally, to help business and industry deal with existing regulations, Trump issued the Streamlining Permitting and Reducing Regulatory Burdens for Domestic Manufacturing on January 24, 2017. This order directs the agencies to expedite federal environmental review approval of bridge, pipeline, transportation, telecommunications and other infrastructure improvement projects.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nonprofit Discussion Questions 1-4 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nonprofit Discussion Questions 1-4 - Coursework Example guiding principles which call for avoiding concentration of powers in the hands certain board members and call it be teamwork with neither management being too powerful. This has been criticized in certain place sayings that with this model the board members are only limited to the policy making and formulation rather than the implementations. The nonprofit organization since based on charity and other funding or donations tend to be dependent on the volunteers. If we want our volunteering force to be very active and be there to work with full dedication and interest we must provide them certain incentives to keep them going .Acknowledge being the very basic we may give them some token of appreciation that will also lead to interest for other workers since they would also wont to have that reward. Other benefits may include provision of free services in certain spheres or free food and clothes. What I reached the conclusion after having a detailed discussion was that when we hire people we must beforehand inform them about the structure so that they can have an idea if they work with such load and environment or not. Further the members must learned down to earth have no interest in material gains and would work with full dedication keeping the whole firm as one unit. It is definitely very essential to know the position of the nonprofit in the lifecycle to have a full comprehension of the leadership and the governance. In the lifecycle of an organization basically gives us the basic know how of the firm and hierarchy which in turn gives us the idea of the governance and the board members. Have good relation with the competing organizations and have friendly atmosphere within the organization. It helps us in adopting a model of governance that is suitable for the present conditions and the effective board members and meetings. When we come to links with external sources as nonprofit organization we can take up the following exemplary cases. USAID partnership